Billah Hasan
Monday, February 17, 2014
THE Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) yesterday held a promotion ceremony for 11 members of its Brunei-Muara division.
The ceremony saw a mixture of promotions for both commissioned and non-commissioned officers of BDRCS.
The oath reciting was led by Mohd Rosdi Hj Ruslan, one of the newly appointed commissioned officers.
Newly promoted members of Red Crescent Society take their oath during the ceremony that took place yesterday. BT/Billah Hasan
Guest of honour, Sheikh Hj Abdul Kadir Abdullah, Secretary General of Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society during yesterday’s ceremony. BT/Billah Hasan
Present as the guest of honour was Secretary General of the association, Sheikh Hj Abd Kadir Abdullah.
In an interview with one of the newly promoted commissioned officers, Norashafitri Abdul Wahid said that the promotion ceremony was to honour new members of BDRCS which comprised of youths from various education institutions in the Brunei-Muara district.
“We hope that more students from their respective schools will join as a member of the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society to help save lives.
“Some of the newly appointed members today are from Rimba Secondary School, Sekolah Tinggi Perempuan Raja Isteri, Sekolah Ugama Arab, Maktab Duli, Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal, Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College and Institut Tekno logi Brunei,” said Norashafitri.
She said that youth who wanted to join as first aiders too are welcomed to contact the Public Relation Unit of BDRCS, Siti Muna Mahirah Hj Mohamad at 8200793 or add their Facebook account (Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent).
The event concluded with a national flag handover ceremony from National Youth Director Hj Suhaimi Hj Ibrahim to Mohd Rosdi Hj Ruslan, followed by a recitation of ‘doa selamat’ led by Abdul Mu’iz Azizi Zulkifli.
Abdul Mu'iz Azizi Zulkifli, one of the newly promoted commissioned officers, recites the doa selamat. BT/Billah Hasan
The Brunei Times
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